Thursday, August 30, 2012

The White Party


Watching the White Party Convention. Why does New Gingrich have to have that robotic wife of his around all the time? But his comparison of Obama and Carter is right on. 

Now a video pandering to Hispanics*. That caballo has already left the graneromuchachos. An intro in Spanish by Mitt Romney's amazingly Latino-looking son Craig. 
*The presence of non-Whites is required to morally justify the existence of Whites. Without the absolving testimony of People of Color, Whites stand condemned. That's the culturally and racially suicidal meme. Total BS and Ex Cathedra is over it.
To quote a man who writes about these things:
Not a single Republican seems to understand that half the country, including many of the crucial undecided voters who are mostly female, are against the Republicans because they see them as racist white men. As long as the Republicans continue to ignore that belief, as long as they fail to confront it and show its evil and falsity, they will continue to look guilty to those voters and they will probably lose. 
But they will, of course, never confront it. Because they think that to think of yourself as a white person, let alone to defend yourself as a white person from false racism charges made against you as a white person, is itself racist. The Republicans thus continue to inhabit their race-blind dream world, while half the country sees them as guilty white men.

Dirty Harry was very very funny. Kinda nice, but mostly blunt and boldly rude. I am sure his Talking Chair routine with Obama will be seen as racist. Zzzzzz.

Rubio's a good speaker. Romney is very...Mormon. Nice, decent. And like Ryan, seems genuinely optimistic. I supposed a bit of the pandering to women is political necessity nowadays. Hope he wins. As you know...Howdy Doody.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*The presence of non-Whites is required to morally justify the existence of Whites. Without the absolving testimony of People of Color, Whites stand condemned. That's the culturally and racially suicidal meme. "

I remember an issue that a high-school friend of mine and I just didn't see eye-to-igh on. He figured that the reason our area of North-Central Pennsylvania was so very overwhelmingly white (99 percent plus some decimal) was because there must have been some well organized exclusionary order in the past. Things like when the KKK* in towns in the south would warn a passer-thru "don't let the sun set on you in this town, nigger."

Me, I figured the reason was simply that ours was not a territory that black Americans would be trying to move to. Even in the era of the Great Migration, they were going to northern cities, they were surely not clamoring to move to townlets of north Appalachia.

My grandmother, who grew up in the same area as I did, sometimes talked about how it wasn't until she went to college that she realized that there were people whose eyes weren't blue. She had neither seen nor heard of anything else.

*A group little-remembered for its attemps at spelling-reform


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