I left a rather heated comment about it this morning at GayPatriot.com. This afternoon, on Facebook, a friend of mine listed some mentions of his book, Androphilia, in some blogs lately. I went to read one of them, by a conservative Catholic Republican from Palo Alto, and found that it was a reprint of my comment at GayPatriot.
My immortal prose here:
After 30+ years of being out and mostly very proud, my sense of connection to “the gay community” over the last several years has been thinning to the point where –to my utter amazement– I don’t like to refer to myself using the G word that much anymore.I was peeved.
Lord knows my sexual orientation is as happily focussed on Humans Living With Testosterone as it ever was. Even more, if that’s possible! But the antics of the “LGBT” leadership and media and the herdlike ways of the tribe have worn me out. Jack Malebranche’s spot-on manifesto “Androphilia” really ripped a Titanical hole in my social identity when he ranted on, very articulately, about the unholy trinity of anti-male feminism, leftwing politics and group victimism that now shapes the gay worldview.
Then this…flesh-creeping troll, Perez Hilton…an eerie part-boy, mostly drag-queen in PMS creature…whom I had barely heard of before…shreds this poor woman for having the audacity to hold a view of marriage universally assumed in the West for two millennia. And he uses really vile language in public. The whole scene disgusts me, both for narcissism and for rank cowardice.
If she had been black, you know for sure that Miss Thing –a stupid gay phrase that in PH’s case really fits– would not have been making videos with the B and the C words in it.
Why would I want to be part of a group that has such human trash in it…and, unless I’ve missed it…let’s him go on his merry way unchallenged!
If the scenario were reversed and some beauty queen in favor of gay marriage was trashed by a conservative judge like that, she’d the the Queen of Martyrs by lunchtime and we’d be hearing the calls to man the barricades against the imminent concentration camps of the “bigots” and “haters”.
The gay community is full to the brim with bigots and haters. I am almost out of patience and am wondering where I send in my Q Identity card for a refund.
Miss Prejean was interviewed civilly by veteran gay journalist Rex Wockner. She was clear but polite once more and asked pointedly why she should be treated so vilely when her position was the same as President Barack Obama's. Good damn question. If that homely faggot Hilton can call her a bitch and a cunt for her point of view, why is the Beloved O not a nigger or a coon for his quite similar position?
On the way home from the laundry this afternoon, I spied a byline in The SF Bay Times, another of the LGBT papers here. Something about "Another Beauty Queen Goes Awry." Checking the online version, I find this editorial by owner and publisher Kim Corsaro. Don't feel the need to read the whole thing. The message? It's just fine to publicly call a woman a bitch and a cunt if she fails to espouse the correct line on gay marriage. By stating, rather politely if not superarticulately, that the bimillenial idea of marriage as between a man and a woman (astonishing!) is her preference, she "hurt the feelings" of LGBTs, especially the young, and even contributed to the atmosphere that brings about violence and suicide. She should come in for re-education sessions.
Like dirty kaffirs in Muslim societies, whose very existence hurts the feelings of the believers and who must therefore be humiliated and marginalized, those who do not kowtow to the utter obviousness of gay marriage are now not only wrong, but hatefully violent. Their evil thoughts lead magically to death. The rule: you can't disagree with me because it hurts my feelings and that makes you a criminal.
The American ideal of free speech has never seemed to me a natural ideal. A splendid, really splendid one, but as we can see from the responses of these victimized tyrant Americans, not a value worth keeping when compared with our hurt feelings.
And to think that men have died to protect people like that.
I'm glad I found your blog! Great work.
What are the possibilities that the only one not benefitting from this dust up is Ex Cathedra?
Will Miss California's speaking fees to the nutballs of the universe (right wing variety) go up? Will Mr. Hilton's gold mine of clickers include more nutballs of the universe (left wing variety)?
They make more money as Ex Cathedra gets increasingly vexed.
Watch your blood pressure, Mr. ExC.
It isn't fair.
The thought police are getting out of hand. Why hasn't anyone asked what right Hilton had to ask such a loaded question which only had one 'right' answer.
If the pageant had been run as it should have, none of us would have known her opinions on marriage. Had she won the crown, believe me she never would have brought it up.
But once the answer was forced out of her, she is the evil one for not towing the liberal line.
I am also so sick of comparing homosexuality to race - get a clue folk, a black man and a white woman can naturally produce a baby (Obama!) Two men or two woman can never do so. This may not be a reason to forbid gay marriage - but it is comparing apples to volcanoes - no comparison at all.
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