Thursday, January 15, 2009

HomoFascism, continued

The number of homosexual men involved in explicitly fascists groups must be infinitesimal. The numbers of homosexual men involved in crypto-communist groups is much larger, since being leftwing is a constituent part of the gay identity. You are far more likely to find a gay man supporting Castro or Hamas than one who is nostalgic for Himmler. Far more. And no one will give the leftoid homo any grief about it.

I am mostly on the same page with people like Hari in my dislike of fascism. I watched some clips from a Rosa Von Praunheim film on neo-Nazi identified gays in Germany. The film simply lets them speak for themselves, in their own words. I found it hard to watch after a few minutes; my stomach started tightening up.

What galls me is that homos can support all kinds of equally vicious leftist forms of totalitarianism and they will get a pass, even get rewarded for it. Loving Hitler is evil. Loving Stalin is...what? A bit misguided?

Most men who grow up homosexual experience a massive wound to their masculine identity. And there are all sorts of ways to deal with that. Attraction to the hypermasculine images associated with fascism is one way. Fascism frankly and enthusiastically makes hierarchical order a value. And rank is a fundamental form of male eros. So it makes sense on that level.


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