Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Excellent questions

from the incisive ShrinkWrapped.

Can an open and free society exist with a large population of unassimilated and hostile Muslims within its borders? Can free men remain free when all the passion and courage has been drained away by comfort and self-abnegation? When people no longer feel their own culture is worth defending, can the virtues that make modern civilization worth supporting stand against those who hate the modern world's freedoms?

The whole thing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Can an open and free society exist with a large population of unassimilated and hostile Muslims within its borders?" The answer to this question has been mapped out in great detail. There are 1-to-1 ratios between the percentage of Muslims in a country and the percentage of people who can read, people who are educated, people who have college degrees, people who make scientific advancements, people who publish books, etc. And it could just maybe be almost possible that more women are being burried up to their elbows and then stoned to death, or set on fire, or burned with acid, or having similar experiences in Muslim countries than in non-Muslim (or not-yet-Muslim) countries. Also teh gays being lynched in town square, you don't see that so much outside the Muslim countries.

This morning I watched a video about the Emperor of Japan, a living god with his own religion. I was reminded that one of the terms of surrender Japan faced was the deicide of Hirohito. The United States went in with nuclear weapons and wiped a religion off the face of the planet. Is the world a worse place for having one less religion in it?

- Trevor Blake

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