Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tertium non datur

At the beginning of the night, this dream: I come home from the gym late at night and the house is dark; as I pass his bedroom I see that he is already asleep. Before going off to my own room, I stop in to kiss his sleeping form goodnight. When I bend down, he awakens, takes my arm, pulls me down and says, Come on, come spend the night with me. I slip into the dark warmth next to him, wrap him in my arms and fall asleep, happy.

Later in the night this dream: I stand on a grassy knoll in front of what appears to be some kind of fortress. Reminds me of the Devil's Postpile

 but not so high, and overgrown in places. I look up and on top of it, astride his horse, is actor Will Patton in his Postman role as General Bethlehem, standing guard. 

Behind him to the right, high inside the fort, is a kind of square and shallow concrete bunker open to the sky. In it is standing a naked man, Latin-looking, short, dark haired, pudgy. Nested into a sort of triangular depression in the exterior of the wall down on my level is a similar bunker. This one, I know, is for me.

From the Jung Lexicon:

Transcendent function
A psychic function that arises from the tension between consciousness and the unconscious and supports their union. (See also opposites and tertium non datur.)
When there is full parity of the opposites, attested by the ego's absolute participation in both, this necessarily leads to a suspension of the will, for the will can no longer operate when every motive has an equally strong countermotive. Since life cannot tolerate a standstill, a damming up of vital energy results, and this would lead to an insupportable condition did not the tension of opposites produce a new, uniting function that transcends them. This function arises quite naturally from the regression of libido caused by the blockage.[Ibid., par. 824.]
The tendencies of the conscious and the unconscious are the two factors that together make up the transcendent function. It is called "transcendent" because it makes the transition from one attitude to another organically possible.["The Transcendent Function," CW 8, par. 145.]
In a conflict situation, or a state of depression for which there is no apparent reason, the development of the transcendent function depends on becoming aware of unconscious material. This is most readily available in dreams, but because they are so difficult to understand Jung considered the method of active imagination-giving "form" to dreams, fantasies, etc.--to be more useful.
Once the unconscious content has been given form and the meaning of the formulation is understood, the question arises as to how the ego will relate to this position, and how the ego and the unconscious are to come to terms. This is the second and more important stage of the procedure, the bringing together of opposites for the production of a third: the transcendent function. At this stage it is no longer the unconscious that takes the lead, but the ego.[Ibid., par. 181.]
This process requires an ego that can maintain its standpoint in face of the counterposition of the unconscious. Both are of equal value. The confrontation between the two generates a tension charged with energy and creates a living, third essence.
From the activity of the unconscious there now emerges a new content, constellated by thesis and antithesis in equal measure and standing in a compensatory relation to both. It thus forms the middle ground on which the opposites can be united. If, for instance, we conceive the opposition to be sensuality versus spirituality, then the mediatory content born out of the unconscious provides a welcome means of expression for the spiritual thesis, because of its rich spiritual associations, and also for the sensual antithesis, because of its sensuous imagery. The ego, however, torn between thesis and antithesis, finds in the middle ground its own counterpart, its sole and unique means of expression, and it eagerly seizes on this in order to be delivered from its division.["Definitions," CW 6, par. 825.]
The transcendent function is essentially an aspect of the self-regulation of the psyche. It typically manifests symbolically and is experienced as a new attitude toward oneself and life.
If the mediatory product remains intact, it forms the raw material for a process not of dissolution but of construction, in which thesis and antithesis both play their part. In this way it becomes a new content that governs the whole attitude, putting an end to the division and forcing the energy of the opposites into a common channel. The standstill is overcome and life can flow on with renewed power towards new goals.[Ibid., par. 827.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the ego was left alone; and there wrestled the Me of the council of the unconscious with him until the breaking of the day. The council's Me negotiated with the ego, and kept insisting "Tertium non datur!" "Tertium non datur!" "Take it or leave it! Tertium non datur!" But the ego laugh'd, saying "I too don't give a third thing." Even when the council directed the Me to touch the hollow of the ego's thigh, the ego did not relent. And the Me pleaded, "Let Me go, for the day breaketh!" And the ego said "Whatever, dude."

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