Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Loud mouthed priest

Most people I know have some kind of beef with the church, generically. As Lennie Bruce knew, however, there is really only one The Church and that is, of course, the Church of Rome.

My beef with the Roman Church is pretty local these days, with the American Church, namely, its overt complicity with the massive illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America. Part of the love affair liberals have with "little brown people".

I'd like to tell Father to shut up. And if he wants a "good and just immigration law", how about inviting the ten million plus illegals to go home? That'd be a start. And if they got here and have a hard time, it's their own damn fault. Anybody with half a brain knows that if you have to sneak into a country, you shouldn't be there in the first place. Even "little brown people" know that.

For the Mexican government's hypocritical attitude toward illegal aliens from Guatemala in Mexico, btw, check here.

HT to my mentor Virgil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But it's PROPHETIC to say stuff that has no consequences for you except making you look just and in solidarity with the downtrodden and marginalized! And the beauty of the one-way separation of church and state means politicians can't declaim against an ecclesial power system and demand "a good and just ordination of gays rule" or "a good and just ordination of women rule." Clerics can say whatever they want from above Plato's divided line, and the state has to protect them! Montesquieu devised the particular system founded in America. What's to complain about, unless you don't like bogusness?

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