Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Star H8

Largely for the pleasure of watching the interaction between Connor Trinneer and Scott Bakula,

I watch some reruns of Star Trek Enterprise. But the smug high-minded "ethics" makes me turn it off every other episode.

It could only be written by Foolish White People. Or Unitarians. Who are, as a group, Foolish White People Incarnate.

The human crews are always multi-racial and no differences between them, aside from appearance, are portrayed or mentioned. All the Blacks or Asians are just Whites in different shades. To assert real racial differences would be rank "racism", of course. But the whole series depends entirely on serious differences between/among humanoid species, which are both portrayed and mentioned in detail and taken to be defining. Klingons are warlike, Ferengi are acquisitive, etc. What would be evil stereotyping and ethnocentrism when applied within the Earthling species races' becomes, when projected outward, the matrix and narrative energy for the whole Star Trek, uh,  enterprise...

I really H8 moralists. I really do. I H8 them.



MoralCompass said...

Dear Dr. Mr. XCathedra--
I have turned my moral compass off.
Life is much easier.
Try it; you'll like it.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

Good advice.
I have a dear friend whom you remind me of. When I am in his presence, my moral compass malfunctions quite pleasantly. But he is, alas, despite many fine qualities, not ubiquitous.

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