Monday, April 21, 2014

Article V Fun

I would love to be rich enough to fund this political passtime: to fund two separate Constitutional Convention think-tanks, one for the Right and one for Left, in order for each of them to come up with a sufficiently amended or even new Constitution for the country they want to have.

The Lefty one would morph the country into a racialized version of the EU. It would be fun to watch all the White Liberals being faced with just how ravenous their beloved Persons of Color would be.

1st Constitutional Convention session

And signing.
A shamefully undiverse lot of Straight White Christian Males. 

My guess is that the Righty version would be a very hard-fought compromise between the Christians and the Libertarians. Would the Mighty Whities even get in the door?

And then people would have to vote for which constitution they'd want to live under. You'd see two nations in front of your eyes, more different from each other than the Union and the Confederacy.

Since I have come to feel and think of America as Yugoslavia, the internal fights seem to me to have the tenor of a married couple who have come to hate each other and for whom divorce is the unhappy but only solution.

So much waste.


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