Wednesday, September 30, 2009


An important line from VDH's reflections on Obamaism's foreign policy:
Foreign policy now starts with the assumption the world is not naturally chaotic, but tranquil—if not for the obtrusive presence of a largely ignorant and selfish United States.
Reminds me of Ann Coulter's more colorful point that "the natural state of the world is Darfur."

One of the dividing lines twixt liberals and conservatives is that conservatives generally have a sense that the world is naturally dangerous and unstable and that times of order and peace are the exception rather than the rule.

Many liberals assume that everything is naturally civilized and tranquil unless certain bad people mess it up. I think that this --deeply incorrect-- attitude helps to explain some of the chronic bad temper and outrage that afflicts a portion of the liberal tribe.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

For Dad

May the angels lead you into paradise,
may the martyrs welcome you at your coming,
and lead you into the holy city, Jerusalem.
May the chorus of angels receive you,
and with Lazarus, who once was so poor,
may you have eternal rest.

For my father

This is a man who thinks with his heart,
His heart is not always wise.
This is a man who stumbles and falls,
But this is a man who tries.

This is a man you'll forgive and forgive,
And help protect, as long as you live...
He will not always say
What you would have him say,
But now and then he'll do

He has a thousand dreams
That won't come true,
You know that he believes in them
And that's enough for you.

You'll always go along,
Defend him where he's wrong
And tell him, when he's strong
He is
He'll always
Needs your love
And so he'll get your love.
A man who needs your love
Can be

She'll always go along
Defend him when he's wrong
And tell him when he's strong
He is wonderful.
He'll always need her love
And so he'll get her love
A man who needs your love
Can be wonderful.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Goodbye, Dad

My father passed away this evening, at home,
after a long and difficult illness. He was 85.

Rest in peace, Dad.


A matter of trust

Looks like Google Maps is not infallible.

San Francisco to Yosemite, one mile, two minutes, up Van Ness to Fell and Pine!


Male souls

In 2006 I decided to wade back into the dating pool and see if I could meet a guy I'd like to partner up with. Having been single for several years after a nine-year relationship, I found I was missing the energy of another man close up in my life.

So, I thought, what am I looking for? Here's what I wrote back then about my ideal man, trying for maximum common ground and compatibility:

I'm looking for grown-up love with an equal: a gay white male, middle-aged +, intelligent and well-educated, easygoing, curious, with a lively sense of humor, aware of his strengths and his limits, in good shape, who likes his maleness, homelife, his country, and has his own connection to the soul; a man matching me in some of my strengths and not too much worse than me in some of my flaws.

We're unlikely to click if he's vegetarian, messy, effeminate, hates cigars, has kids, is often late, or thinks gays must be Democrats.

And guess what? I found him. (After he found me.)

We met just over two years ago --itself an unlikely event-- and about six months later realized we had fallen in love with each other, a surprise to us both. Most often we have enjoyed each other very much, our connection both very easy and full of life. Yet the Bard reminds us that "the course of true love never did run smooth," so we have had our bumps and detours (some of which have been reflected in a blog entry or three). But it was never about whether we loved each other; it was about how.

We've come to an agreement on that now. We are not partners, in the sense of being married. But we are each other's number one guy, unique lover and friend. And we'll go from there, taking advantage of the freedom we have as a man-with-man duo to make up our own rules and our own arrangements.

My guy comes amazingly close to my desired description. Looking back on it, it's really astonishing. In addition he brings other gifts and qualities with him that I did not know I would like so much. Salami sandwiches, just for one. God arranged things better than my ego could. Duh.

The one area where my boyfriend clashes with the list is that he is not gay. He's not straight, either, of course. But he has never felt comfortable within the confines of the gay identity and has no "gay culture". A very welcome confluence, given my own dissatisfaction with the GLBT tribe over the last years. That creates some challenges, to be sure, but I really love the fact that he is his own man and not a pre-fab cut-out.

He voted for "Mr. Obama" as I, of course, did not, but neither of us has the inclination to make political agreement a big issue between us.

In all the other ways, he is a definite match...although some of my friends have wondered if we were "grown-up", since we go from middle aged to adolescence in a heartbeat. He is funny --very funny--, quick, very smart, happy, curious, has built a good life, takes good care of himself...and of the people in his life that he cares about. He's a great guy, a good man who loves life, a man I admire. And if I may add on a family blog like this, even though he doesn't quite believe it, he's sexy as all hell.

He lights up my heart like a Christmas tree.

I am happy man today. I feel lucky. Even more, I feel blessed, blessed to have a chance at growing into a more intimate connection with this man I love.

Thank you, God. (Oh, and St. Jude.)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nanny Newsome

To protect us from our bad personal choices, The City Government of the Virtuous People's Republic of San Francisco wants to put a "fee" on the purchase of evil sugary drinks that make people fat. Some days...!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Malesoul 31

Maybe this isn't a proper Malesoul image. Maybe it's just an excuse to post a shot of this magnificent mug. More of the fella, who clearly knows what his strong suit is, here:

It is not always easy to distinguish between (among?) admiration, desire and envy. Some of the websites I visit provoke comparative thoughts about how I am put together vs other men. Sometimes it's "If I work harder here or there, I could look more like he does here or there" or "Nature is just unfair and I wish I had been born his identical twin."

It is very rare, in these musings, though, no matter how handsome a fella is, that I wish I had his face. My own, though I have a list of improvements it could use, I am rather attached to. Looking in the mirror and seeing a different and improved physique, that I could adjust to. And have. But seeing someone else's, thanks.

This guy is one of those who tempts me to change my mind. It's a sight I might be able to get used to seeing first thing in the morning. If I were gonna cook up the classical ruggedly handsome male mug, I could hardly do better.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Under my skin

September 11, 2001 was a traumatic day for me. I still cannot bring myself to watch very much of the images. Not that I have forgotten or denied what that day meant. Far from it.

Two (or was it three?) years ago I decided to make an addition to my tattoo.

The original was inked on me in 1993, one I created out of three images from the 9th century in Ireland, --a horse-like animal with a set of wings, holding a torque ring--when the country was ruled by the Vikings. It was homage to my Irish and Scandinavian ancestors. I had it done on my right shoulder and upper arm. Hurt like hell, but I have always loved it and would feel strangely naked and alien without it.

The addition was to mark the Jihadi terrorist attacks on my homeland. They are the unfortunately fuzzy images below, the ones inside the circle. (The tattoo itself is quite clear; my phone photo is not.)

The image as a whole suggests a cross. That is not accidental. At top and bottom are the mirroring Roman numerals IX and XI, which are 9 and 11. The transverse word is from Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien's tale of heroism and the battle between darkness and light. In the language and script of the Elves, it is dun-aden, meaning "man of the West." King Aragorn's battle speech inspired that choice.

"Men of Gondor, and of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crushing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!"



In memory of the heroes and the victims
on that day when the Muslim Jihad against our people and our nation
came out into the open.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Argument from design

It is a bit ironic that, coming from a religious tradition which is officially not in favor of male with male sex, --though men so inclined are numerous within it-- I often find myself moved precisely to religious awe by the sight of a beautiful man. I congratulate God on His work ("Nice job! Very nice!") and think that, despite the evidence to the contrary, He must exist and at least be doing His best.

This is not someone I know; the pics are on a public website where he put them, along with a bunch of others that would make him recognizable. And although my response to the images is not entirely lacking in lust, by far the largest reaction in me is, well, awe at what beauty --rhythm, structure, flow, proportion, balance, counterpoint, mass, economy, ornament, mystery, grace, power-- God's creation includes.

Nice job, God. Very nice.


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Men of vision

I am an introverted intuitive thinker and so I am always looking for the Great Ideas that explain all the little things around me. I read Thomas Sowell's work on the constrained and unconstrained vision some years ago and it rang true. Bill Whittle gives a quickie version.

If you want to know why I am a conservative and not a liberal, a simple answer is the American Revolution vs the French Revolution, George Washington and company --warts and all-- vs Robespierre and his rivers of guilloutined blood.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Adam and Eve Never Met

It seems that the common male ancestor of all living humans lived only 60,000 years ago. The common female ancestor, however, lived 150,000 years ago. Amazing stuff that came out of Africa.

Dog days

No postings for the last several week. Aside from being engrossed in a personal project, the political scene has been simply repetitive. The Obama tribe is in power and they are doing what they were going to do all along. No surprise. No comfort.

So, mostly, no comment.
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