Monday, March 02, 2009


David Kahane is taking no prisoners, wondering if Barry Hussein O is Chance the Gardener, the Manchurian Candidate or the Quisatz Haderach!

What's important is The Narrative. That's The Story that keeps getting told over and over again. Ironically, there is pretty well nothing as old as the news.

PS. Over at American Thinker, a writer points out to the electorate that Obama does not really love America like you do. True of the left. "He's just not that into you. He loves the idea of what you could become."

The Black History Month ads with Obama's voiceover show a black woman on a bus and he is saying that the great thing about America is that it can change. Which is to say, the great thing about America is not what it has been..which is pretty awful..but what it might become when it repents.

That's progressive patriotism.

And this from a man who, were he NOT half-black, would not be President.


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