Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

Saint Joseph Holding His Foster-Child

In my post the other day, I noted that part of being a man was recognizing that there are better men than you, recognizing and honoring them, and taking your proper place in regard to them.

And it is Christmas, which I love...along with the now-ending weeks of Advent, which I like even more.

And it was recently pointed out to me by a new friend that beneath my wit and brain, I have a sentimental streak.

Christmas usually emphasizes the Mother and the Son. Perhaps it is the season of my own soul, with my own father's life so visibly diminishing, that makes this Christmas story more about the Father and the Son. St. Joseph, the foster-father, usually in the background, stands out for me today.

So, combining the above items, at Christmas, I offer a link to a story about a man who is far and away my superior, and one which brought tears to my eyes.

Saving Ala'a.

Merry Christmas.

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