Monday, July 07, 2014


That's a monicker one of the Angry White Men in the Mighty Whitey comments thread gave to Christians.

As I have noted before, despite the fact that there are men of really quite impressive intellect, culture and talent in this movement, it suffers --understandably, I think-- from a fever swamp atmosphere.

It seems to me still that the only group capable of becoming a post-American people would have to be born out of disillusoned American conservatives, the vast majority of whom are religious Christians. So having a cadre of Christ-loathing Nietzscheans and heathens as the vanguard does present some problems. But then, the National Socialists in Germany were certainly no friends of the Church and yet they had the support of a hugely Christian nation. So, stranger things have happened. (Then there's that Bolshevik thing, so maybe it's not so odd after all.)

The fella who turned down the idea of a White ethnostate run by Christians because of his attachment to "Enlightenment values" seems to ignore the fact that actual Christianity, which resisted the Enlightenment, was completely comfortable with hierarchy, both in Church and society.
Feminists still complain that the Christian Father and Son and their male-run Church are pillars of patriarchy and misogyny and hierarchies of all kinds.

What was the constant complaint of Enlightenment liberals? The vile alliance between Altar and Throne*. Wasn't it materialist Enlightenment universalism and its disingenuous "all men are created equal" that got us to the mess we're in now?

Christianity, well, Western Christianity --Orthodoxy is a somewhat different story-- eventually made peace with the Enlightenment and now pretends that such things as "the inherent dignity of the human person" and "universal human rights" are its own homegrown values. Rather than the foreign imports that they really are.

It's kinda pathetic to watch Christians play catch-up with liberal culture, trying lamely to pretend that feminism and environmentalism and democracy and multiculturalism are "really" Christian values. Funny how they had 1500 years to cook them up and didn't...

Most Western Christianity is now in utter thrall to viral Liberalism, the cult of the entitled sacred victim, which it fails to see as a hostile and implacable competitor seeking to erase it and to replace it entirely. The liberal hysteria over the Hobby Lobby decision is symptomatic. Liberalism is The Borg.

To take one example, the stupid and ahistorical Christians of the West, having lost their robust identity, now contemn their almost 2000 year old constant theology of Judaism as mere "supersessionism" not realizing that the "tolerant" liberal regime which now forbids them from seeking Jewish converts is intent on a massive supersessionism of its own. They forget their own history, where Constantine freed the Church in 313 AD and less than 70 years later Theodosius imposed it on everyone. It doesn't take long.

Christians were not always such fools. Neither were the American people --the sons of Europe in America-- always so jaw-droppingly foolish. Indeed, up until the very very recent past, they have managed to maintain their skeptical common sense about human nature and the human condition. But both of them have now forgotten --well, have been convinced into forgetting and forbidden to remember-- that both religious and national/ethnic/racial identity requires a strong element of active, proud and unapologetic hostility toward The Other. It needn't be violent, but it needs to be definite. That is, defining.

To found an identity solely and entirely on what you are not, is insufficient. That is merely reactive. But to include as a foundation of your identity who and what you are not, and to trumpet that difference with confidence, is necessary for survival.

As Francis Fukuyama said, in one of the very few true things he wrote, when modern liberal societies in the West, aka White societies, celebrate their pluralism and multicultural diversity they are actually proclaiming that they have no culture of their own, that their identity is to have no identity, that they are no one. This kind of self-destructive crap could only be swallowed by a once great race now become a degraded combination of Krel and Eloi,  The Most Foolish People On The Planet.

*I have not become a monarchist, by the way. Not that far gone yet. Too many kings give birth to too many idiot sons.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The religious history of the West can be summarized by the imagery of a tree:

The roots are the heathen faiths, which united to form the trunk of Catholic Christendom. The branches are the Protestant and Calvenist schisms. The twigs are us, the myriad denominations and sects of religious and secular ideology and philosophy. The trunk cut itself off from the roots, and began to wither for lack of nutrients. Then the branches cut themselves off from the trunk, and the twigs have cut themselves of from the branches.

To call such self-mutilation "progress" is the height of vanity. Can the tree ever be made whole again? Perhaps, but I fear that a seed may only sprout from the ashes of the dead tree. God and Powers grant that I am wrong.


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