Friday, May 01, 2015

Pope Echo

Pope echoes feminist anthem of equal pay for equal work:

And I can't wait for his teaching on Global Warming, uh, Climate Change, uh the weather, an area where the Church clearly has a divine mandate to enlighten and instruct us...

The Obama of Catholicism. What a clown.

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

It stand to reason with all of his disrespect for his high position in the past that he would allow bitches to get pastoral with him instead of keeping things forward and upright.


Anonymous said...

Among women only - do all women get equal pay for equal work? Excluding men entirely and one hundred percent not including men, among women and exclusively among women - do all women get equal pay for equal work? The answer to this question should be possible to determine. The implications of the answer might reveal something worth knowing. It seems worth asking again - do all women get equal pay for equal work?

The Bishop of Portland

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