My inclination to post has lagged of late. I suppose the general malaise following my mother's death is part of it, even when it's not conscious or acute. She was a kind of centripetal force for the six of us remaining siblings. Now with her gone, the centrifugal forces are at work. Natural, I suppose, but unnerving.
On the macro level, I find myself unable to see the trajectory of America or the West in any other light than decline and fall. With increasing speed. I would like to discover that I have overreacted, but no one is making a case for that. They usually just avoid the issue. Unless their idea of "progress" is what's dominating. Their "progress" is my collapse and my sense of alienation only deepens by the day.
I continue to see race as the fundamental, though far from sole, issue. This makes my anti-liberal and beyond-conservative and empirically-based opinions immediately and unspeakably Beyond The Pale for all those living under The Trance of Diversity Macht Frei. "Dass raciss!"
Feminism, LGBTQism, the disability people, hell, even loonies like PETA and unspeakably pathetic "White privilege" and "microaggression" people, all use the Negro Victim as their paradigm and model. The obscene double election of Barry Hussein plays out in politics the plot of Northwest Frontier, a 1959 film set in British India, where the villain on the train finally turns out to be the posing half-breed. He adopts the persona of his European parent while all the time seething in hatred from his Asian half. Remind you of anyone? (At least in the movie, the bad guy gets what he deserves and the liberal learns her lesson.)
Respectable conservatism, hell, even sometimes loopy conservatism a la Rick Perry, shares the suicidal self-limitations and brain viruses of White liberals. People yell about "taking back the country." Who from? The other half of it that wants it this way? Did it ever occur to you that "the country" you want back is gone?
Maybe I should have stuck to philosophy, theology, language and psychology and not paid so much attention to the actual world. Gives me agita.
So I focus as best I can on the micro level, the local and the present, where pleasure and joy can always be found.
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